Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

More than 82% of consumers uses social media and especially influence contents are significantly impacts buying decisions, marketers across industries are driving the evolution of social media marketing (SMM) from post to advertisement using artificial Intelligence.

  • Social media marketing uses social media contents and social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to market products and services, engage with existing customers, and reach new once.
  • The power of social media marketing comes from the unparalleled capacity of social media in three core marketing areas; connection, interaction, and customer data.
  • Social media marketing has transformed the way businesses are able to influence consumer behavior from promoting content that drives engagement to extracting personal data that makes messaging resonate with users.

Power of Social Media Marketing

The power of social media marketing is driven by the unparalleled capacity of social media in three core marketing areas.

  1. Connection: Not only does social media enable businesses to connect with customers in way that were previously impossible, but there is also an extraordinary range of avenues to connect with target audiences from content platform and social sites to microblogging services.
  2. Interaction: The dynamic nature of the interaction on social media whether direct communication or passive “liking”, “comments”, “reviews” enables businesses to leverage free advertising opportunities.
  3. Customer Data: A well designed social media marketing plan delivers another invaluable resource to boost marketing outcomes; Customer Data. The Customer Data collected is used by Data Scientist to convert into useful data.